Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [14:00 GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [14:00 GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
Dear Community,
hereby i want to present the Patch Notes of todays Maintenance, 28/10/2022
Regards, Metin2 SG Team
Sash is not a costume, is a piece of equipment. There are also sash costume, that change the look and provide a bonus but they are cosmetic. The 75 must be +9 yes.
First you should get yourself a 25% absorption sash, as using the others would be a waste. You need 2 sash of the same grade to upgrade to the next grade, but I believe it is to understand by checking the guide.
The second part is to sacrifice to the sash a 75 weapon with highest average and best rarity bonus as possible. You don't need to feed your main weapon, any 75 weapon will do.
There is a wiki ingame that helps you see the stats of items, including the sash.
Dear Community,
hereby i present the Patch notes of 04/07/2022
Thanks Metin2 SG Team
Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [1GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
Dear Community,
hereby i want to present the Patch Notes of today, 08/05/2022
Thanks, Metin2 SG Team
does every person in the group have to have a pass? if so, it's not much interesting.
That part was not altered.
im sorry but why ?
i mean i need to get now 10 dioxide which are around 25-30kk each so that's alone 2.5/3won to do a run that maybe gives me 90kk gold and maybe fireshoes ...
why not just give us the option to
craft them or just keep buying them from the mall ?
Recipes were adjusted to match the run's profit.
Dear Community,
hereby i want to present the Patch Notes of today, 30/04/2022
Thanks, Metin2 SG Team
Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [11.00 GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [1GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
I found a solution when you guys asked to prevent Shaman's S skills passive effects.
We already announced they will be removed, some days after the merge, which is today.
Feel free to read our replies regarding this subject either on the forum or on discord to understand why we have come to "this very bad choice".
It is not a bug, it is a choice.
Dear players,
with today's update both servers will received the following changes:
Thanks Metin2 SG Team
Dear Players,
From This Point onwards [1GMT] for 72 Hours, you will receive 50% Bonus Tec Points on every Purchase.
Kind Regards,
The Metin2SG Team
The first posts explain what things are different. If they are not in that list it means everything is the same as SG.
The auction is a content. Else we wouldn't have it. I do not get the logic behind auctioning a token that makes a costume instead of auctioning a costume directly, but like i said, the poll is set to know what you think not to suggestion shortcuts.