As I said before,they're blocking gr videos only,so if you're not gr they won't block yours.
we will see
As I said before,they're blocking gr videos only,so if you're not gr they won't block yours.
we will see
did you guys ever tried to uploade at myvideo or somewhere else?
someone gave me the video of doing this. ;x but seems like i need to test again to see if he/she gonna strike again.
i think gf don´t like you
the vids of the big german youtuber: "MaffKaff" are´nt blocked too
they have a good reason to dislike me but if thats the reason of it then i find it bullshit. :p his video was blocked too but he kept uploading video. i updated few days ago a small video and its not block :))
Correct. 52mins or so and my video got blocked
im waiting for mine ;x
it needs up to 3 days to be blocked
lets see
idk pisi, but maverick video got block after 1 hour he posted xd
test hahaha
good video, i wonder why some of video get blocked and some doesnt get block ;/
the metins at runs should count as 0 points. specially at dt floor 7 and dragon room.
good idea+
if i make a video, u sure it wont be blocked by gameforge?
dam blocked after 52 mins.
almighty is defending his one and only true love in metin. xaxaxaxa senale or sanela or we it is. u both perfect for eah other u both should meet
Display More1. Tetris - one of the first games
2. If you are referring to my remark of him using character windows to use skills, I don't know if he still does that but I remember seeing that in one of his videos I once bumped into. Honestly, didn't watch the video posted here. If he improved in that, congrats again.
3. Personally could care less, as I even mentioned in my post. No matter if it was X or Y person, I would still reply to the X or Y's nonsense in the same manner.
4. I am not the one who started talking about being pro in Metin. Read again.
The rest you said about pro gamers, apply to yourself. Playing Metin all day long doesn't make you a gamer.
5. Read number 3.
6. I am currently working at hospital, doing my internship. It was just a friendly advice but seems that saying is true: A fool think he needs no advice...Yet you are so full of them. Irony.
7. Just because I type too much means I am fighting? Smart!
8. Since you called him professional player, wanted to prove you wrong. It was an "insult" to every pro gamer. That is all there is.
9. Instead of calling people dumb as your strongest argument, you could try using some of intellect as well.
As for getting out of "your" thread, if you give out an opinion expect to get it back.
It is a pvp/pvm game, everyone to their own taste.
someone is mad. o0o0o0 maaahh pls do us a favor and stop havig ur period everyday
what a stupid kid immature u are Jk, i m happy u moved to reds.
hahah this is good compliment xd
Display MoreTalking about professionalism in Metin is similar to bragging how PRO you are at Tetris. We all still love this game but let's get real. It is a game where you use few skills. lol
What is to be professional about?
Combining good gaming mouse and keyboard helps a lot in games (anti ghosting, custom keys, CPI, sensors, polling, ergonomics etc.) but for Metin, it hardly makes a difference except for ergonomics and the look (who doesn't like to have sexy keyboard and a mouse).
By the way, not only that people spend money on a mouse, but also for a keyboard. One can't go without other, if you really care about gaming.
However, everyone is free to play the game as he/she wants but don't make up things for the sake of justifying something.
If you are even a bit interested in professional gaming, you should know that some pro gamers prefer less buttons on a mouse (missclick) - for the rest they use keyboards (talking about gaming rigs).
Anyways, I would suggest, same as xWhoops, to slowly start practice using keyboard - if you ever decide to play other newer games, it will help you a lot and maybe using mouse only might be the reason why it took so many years to achieve what you have now.
Using all possibilities would make your process faster. Who knows.
However, I congrats you for playing only with a mouse for so many years, not to mention using character windows for skills.
Last thing I wanna add, from medical point of view I would recommend combining keyboard and a mouse.
Longer use of a mouse (because of static finger gymnastic), especially if you are spending hours playing like that, can lead to chronical finger/hand condicions (causing pain, deformations, swallowing, bad circulation etc.)
Have a nice sunny Sunday!
dumbs. get out of my thread
oh my s.
i had no mouse for last 3 years and i am hard pro using keyboard
i rarely click on touchpad maybe 2-3 times in an hour
first you need to learn that Q,E, T,G help you to rotate your screen, R,F to zoom in/out. rest of things you have to improve yourself and become more agile by time
don't thank me
hey woopie, i wanna say thankyou for the tutorial, But we already know this WASD and QETG. however, people who use more mouse than keyboard is intend to be more imbalance or professional.. the performance of a gamer who usually use Mouse have more experience.
Ask me why some gamers buy a 200 euro for a mouse.
lets end this conversation. this is my thread. i want it clean. i don't want any criticism or flames around here. thank you.
hi im witch.
enjoy and welcome
Hey guys, few days ago jkrr posted new pvp yt video. just sharinngg
not all Youtuber are blocked xd