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Yea you don't understand bcs you don't care he is your frend am i right? Ofc you are, but others know what i saying here and yea its sad but truth . And for your info idc who you are or what are you to him. But afther this i mean all time u defending him but idc really hehehe. But complet server know is jkRR good person as person or no. Well 8-9 years is long period xD and now its too late for changing. Don't take me wrong but it's truth
pls get a english dictionary xD
vllt lock and ready system?
könntest die dann einfach über deine email wieder freischalten
LuxusKind, level 105, elgoria
tary really did a great job so i think there is no need for her to justify anything 
Can i drop add and changers with 55lvl from metins?
yes, farm metins in desert
nice stuff 
very nice work, its perfect now
I make much Teamplay every day
I make much runs with Guild Members. (Dt,Dc,Nemere,Aqua Dragon)
And Hell run is easier as before, now you dont must pull the agnis to the wall. You can stand in the middle from the Floor and kill it easy 
The update was perfect 
you couldnt do this already before the update?
nohate, but when i hear you and your "guildmates" need 30min+ for a solorun i wouldnt consider it as "easy" 
LuxusKind portugal 2 france 1
will miss you 
A genius has its limits,you guys don't. 
you also have limits. for example lv61 and no2 at huntersranking
#foreverfarmingmap2 #teamupwithmaria #7a7a7a7a
Haha i have enough friend's.
You're just jealous 
thats a lie
what a nice way to admit that nobody likes you 
just because you always get beaten up in the end when you steal someone elses metins/moons/... i wouldnt call someone else noob
maybe youd know that if you could defend yourself , but since your highest char was lv61 i guess that will never happen 
if he'd ever played fair,I would've been somewhere else,not spending my time here with you guys on this forum.Because people like him,harassing others at the events for like weeks in a row and each time more than an 1 hour,yes,it seems fair I should share this thing with you.I'm not looking for attention,in fact,I'm the one trying all the time to keep a low profile,in fact,I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this,you've already proved me that even coming with certain facts,that won't change your way of thinking,you're a child,I get it.
i got reported so many times but never got banned for harrasment or unfair playing etc.
and of course you are seeking for attention, otherwise you wouldnt comment every single comment of me, even though you know i dont care
also i dont think you are better crying months long about an other character in an online game --> thats what i call a child
but enough is enough so please stop talking here and try win huntersranking again
as i saw you were very frustrated because you didnt won, maybe you should give it a second try
It's kinda clear to me that you've got attitude problems,maybe a disorder here and there,you're the kind of selfish person that really enjoys each and every "statement" he makes.P.S.:Stop liking your own posts.
of course i enjoy it, everything i say is pure gold. still im not the one crying in forum for attention or whatever
sospeaking about attitude problems will not work out for you 
the list can continue by adding LuxusKind..that guy pked my bro in v3 for like 1-2h 1month ago,following him on all 3 channels...also,y-day night,while i was checking the shops in map1 blue kingdom,this guy summoned a desert turtle outside the safe zone just to kill the shop,he didn't kill the turtle,he was just luring it to the remaining shops alive. LOL
Yea, hokuspokus is another good example.
sorry man
i didnt know that this game means so much for you and your sister.
looking back i really want to apologize that i hurt your feelings, i hope you will get over my actions that i did months ago. however, i didnt see this trick24 you mentioned around lately. will he come back again? i really liked him and we had a lot of fun