Posts by Pamuk1
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50 dmg ?
Op Ese
why do you guys like to talk so much between yourselves ?
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry i am dont understand you, ofcccccccccccccccc me to Can tank easy alll game vs me in safe zone ofcccccccccccccccccccccccc i am forgot ur place ajajajjajajajajj good dreaming DUDEEEEE
RUN MIGHTYYYYYYYYYYYY RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN puahahhahahha all know ur strength i am think u use 2 x shoes of wind xD or ur items have %20 speed idk how u run so fast when see us .
im bussy.. bb
keep crying dude . if the wall gets dirty ...
i am say PanicStation to come for cleaning ur wall..
As i said we are not like them we have our own pride and Honor, Even if 25cm know and JkRRR that was Aleks on my acc and he didn't care about dmg ad what items he use. But 25cm use the chance to make video and say yea finaly we kill you Almighty first time in our life we make you 18k dmg 20k dmg or so. but they know it's not possible bcs i can tank easy alone 25cm and JkRRR very easy.
puahahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahha
some one slap me or i dead LMAO puahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
he tank what ?
idk who is worse or mrsick who came last 10 min and died 10+ times
and i am put you safe zone , you mean that ?
so when we put your guys safe zone ,you fast close game and leave with your teachers ,or you mean that?
because if you and your teachers stay more get mad more ... that's why I understand you .you running from raped for heart healt.
Lacex tell you, dont mees with wolfes my little girl
you don't know the difficulty.
jon try first sura he failed , later archer failed :DD:D:D and he log out and ran a way muajajajjaja
it's nice to see you on different trails.
have free food want eat ?
keep crying -
we saw at this video when we go yellow and rape them they no accept losing 7 ppl vs 1 kingdoom and they happy for that win 1 minute jajajajajaj
cuz we no happy for slave joys
we saw at this video how we kick them easy
nature little boy say me where u at this video i am say at safezone i dont attack just watch
when raid end i am outside cuz im large for u if me outside u close game and ran a way and ur owners to..
keep crying
120 lvl remover u are not more than that
lord of simple thinks
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so you again stART WITH CRYING I CAme in NW i rape you guys i came everyTime in raid in yellows i raped you Guys, Not you not you you don't even log i mean you are here on forum 24/7 it's your home if i can say it so. But hey i prof my self o these video, ok now i mean you can denied it how much u want but normal players normal ppl see these. check last 15 min when i came. AlmightyPush,Chiye,SurAaa,DonBarry,DonJohn,PanicStation BBazzy We didn't even once but once Died against Purge+ HowHigh Guild on other side before till DonJohn came, Lacex,Serban,Kekizi and Gucci was everyTime down kissing the floor and last five min, when DonJohn came than 25cm,Cerva and Jkrrr Start Kissing the floor and my team still above them
Stop lying all see trues in video muajajajajjaja
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Say hello ur dady
EveryTime when i remove them and when i start go forward to kill them, they drop out pedants and put the shoes of Wind + the Purple potion Why? Bcs they see in me Dwayne Johnson like i'm him. Than JkRR start running and run like 2-3 min till he remove me ahahahahahaha
Ur amazing video tell everythink keep cry dude when u feel equal join raids and make war with us all hit u normal 2 k not skills