Posts by Null

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    Dear Players,

    we noticed that removing the stun lock broke the community in two, hence in order to try to please all, we completly re-wrote the system of attacks of metin2.
    After a huge amount of hours of work, and thanks to the costructive feedbacks of some of you done these days, the work is done.
    Therefore we can proudly say, that at the moment, everybody should be pleased as we found a great compromise for all, but always following our philosophy regarding the balance of the gameplay.

    The major changes are the following:

    - Stun lock is not completly removed, but revamped: The players won't be able to block during the pvp or the raids, but they can escape as they currently do. However, the collisions and the fall backs are now possible.
    It is possible to throw your opponent on the ground, but without bugging him. Good news for the Assassins, they are now able to do their precious skill, which is harder than in the past of course, but it is not a matter of skill and not of pressing random buttons;

    - The auto attack is removed (PVP Only:( real plague of the pvp and of the raids, making useless the skill and gaming mechanichs (for example the Stealth), lowering skill, talent and intelligence of a duel, to pratically nothing;

    - Nerfed the cure skill: The mage can now escape from the stun lock, hence the powerful skill they once had, is no longer necessary for a correct balance of the gameplay;

    - Regarding the PVM, normal monsters are brought back to the pre-stun lock period, even if it is just at 40% of what it used to be, making the pvm still easier than before.

    - As for the PVM Boss: The Boss are left untouched, it won't be necessary anymore to exploit the wall to kill them, hence it is easier to kill them and even cleaner.

    - Fixed the graphic of the Guild Smith on the Demon Tower and the Ghost NPC on Orc Maze.

    Will these changes makes everything perfect?
    Of course not, but we are happy to listen what do you think about it, even if we are sure that these changes should make everybody happy and change the pvp and the raids into a real matter of skill and strategy and not just a random click and go.

    We wait your feedbacks to keep the server into a positive state and to keep on a great gaming experience for all.

    Kind regards,
    The TEC Interactive team.

    the dagger assassin class has now become useless, congratulations, and the question of sending insatifestos players stop playing, without remembering the effort it took to put the skills of your characters .. perfect master is very easy to speak, managed to end another class that was already weak. and now strong leaving spells suras and lightning mage. team congratulations. -1 :thumbdown:

    We never said that we finished to balance this class, so be patient (no one prevents us, for example, to enhance the skills).

    whats this?

    This is part of an update that you will see in the coming weeks.

    By the way, what do you think about the Refine Plus? (this question is for all)

    than change Shaolin Stance to just 1 hit !!!Its unfair Sin got the lowest AP and skills doing not pretty much Dmg
    Thank you for make the dagger sin useless haha Nice PvP Balence make the Lowest class completly useless

    Dear Mercia,
    thank you for the feedback, but we never said that the balance of the classes is done here.
    If you have the patience to wait, you'll see that in the end everything will be perfectly balanced.

    As you can see, for example, the skill Remove Magic will only affect players within the caster's level range, the skill Heal was nerfed but now can cure Remove Magic affect. Many other gameplay balancing changes will come, you just need to have patience.

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